LaTeX templates — Reports
Write up experiments and research with LaTeX templates for project and lab reports—including layout guidelines to help guide you through the writing process.

Computer Science division, Information Technology Department, Uppsala University.

A simple template aims to write report or record progress

This is an unofficial Indian Institute of Technology Bombay credit seminar report template. Feel free to use it, modify it, and share it.

Template for graduate work (HEPL) - FR Le template permet de faciliter la rédaction de mémoires pour les étudiants de master. Elle fournit également des exemples en LaTeX pour faciliter l'apprentissage et permet également d'accélérer le processus d'écriture par une mise en page fixe et simple mais professionnelle.

A template well suited for a PhD thesis or a project at DIKU (Departement of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark). It includes detailed explanations on how to customize your table of contents entries, your headers and other details that I have had to look up when writing my own thesis. I hope it will make thesis writing a bit easier. Good luck! This template is inspired from the templte published by Alex Jørgensen, available at:

A basic coursework template for Swansea students. Most settings should be appropriate to use straight away, although some minor details like margin sizes, font size, or font can be changed.

KTH essay/report template

Modelo de TCC para o IC UFAL

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